How Meditation Can Help You Find Clarity

When’s the last time you allowed yourself space to truly hit pause and tune into your own thoughts? 

For most of us, the answer is probably an inquisitive stare and a raised eyebrow—especially when we’re caught up in a whirlwind of never-ending to-do lists and overstimulated by excess screen time at home, in the office, and everywhere in between.

But the truth is, the faster we’re moving, the more we need to slow down.

In last week’s article, I emphasized the importance of carving out space throughout the day to slow down, relax, and breathe to restore the mind-body connection.

And once we trigger the parasympathetic nervous system and subsequently enable our bodies to physically relax, our minds can begin the process of filtering through the noise to find the clarity we so desperately seek.


Why Meditation Has A Place at Work

During one particularly stressful workday, I excused myself from the shared team room to meditate three times—yes, three times.

And in my opinion? That’s a perfectly acceptable practice.

Stepping away from the frenetic energy that swirled around the room as the team worked to meet a client deadline was a critical component of protecting my energy and preserving my mental health.

And because I practiced self-awareness and recognized what I needed in those moments, I was able to show up as the most engaged, positive, and productive version of myself—and we were able to accomplish exactly what we needed as a team.


How to Meditate in the Workplace

Meditation can seem difficult and intimidating, but once you fling away the veil that often shrouds the practice in mystery, you’ll find it truly is as simple as intentionally carving out time, creating space for stillness, and using breath to relax the body and prepare the mind.

Last week I featured a series of breathwork videos on my Instagram that can serve as a great introduction to a regular breathwork practice. Two breathwork techniques in particular – Kapalabhati and Anuloma Viloma – can cleanse and calm the mind in preparation for meditation.

To start, carve out between 5 and 20 minutes for your meditation practice. Find a quiet place, settle into a comfortable seated position, and set a timer on your watch or phone to remove the stress associated with tracking time. Allow yourself to truly let go of any tension or worries that may pull you away from experiencing the present moment.

Begin with a short breathwork practice such as Kapalabhati and Anuloma Viloma. Next, simply notice your thoughts without judgment. You may choose to ask yourself a question such as “What do I need more of in this very moment?” or focus on a mantra that brings you confidence, such as “I am power, I am strength.”

No matter how you approach your mediation practice, recognize that there is no right or wrong way to train your attention and awareness.

By setting aside just 5 minutes for yourself to look within and practice mindfulness, you are creating the catalyst for a renewed sense of clarity that empowers you to step into your potential—at the office and beyond.  

To learn more about working with me one-on-one, please reach out to set up a discovery session.

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Yoga in PracticeLaura Hanson