How to Set Intentions that Help You Find Balance

Spending just a few moments checking in with ourselves – exploring the mind, body, spirit, and our sense of community – can help us identify areas we need to nurture and prioritize. This practice can be helpful to complete weekly or monthly to enable a holistic intention-setting approach tailored to serve you — wherever you are in your journey.  

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How to Protect Your Energy Through Introspection

Once we recognize that we as human beings have limited energy stores—coupled with limitless potential – we begin to understand the significance of tuning in with our unique energetic needs and truly listening to our bodies. Because when we’re each able to show up as the most aligned versions of ourselves, we are empowered to step into our potential and create a more balanced reality.

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How I Found My Voice When I Disconnected from Social Media

What I realized was that without a constant barrage of content and implicit perspectives, I learned to turn inward and delve deeper for my own point of view that had gotten buried under all the others. And as I shook off all the misplaced beliefs that made me doubt my vision and purpose, I re-connected with my inner strength and re-ignited my passion.

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ReflectionLaura Hanson
Why I Choose the Road Less Traveled

Find what inspires you and what motivates you, and don’t let it out of your sight. Be pragmatic, but don’t lose your ability to dream. Keep opening doors, and windows, and everything in between – because they won’t all lead you to your unique path – but you won’t know until you have the courage to turn the handle.

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